TDS Meter Reading @ 24?


Sail em & Sell em
Ok I just got my RO water system tested today and it read 24ppm. What should I do?

Also I have my waste water On/off vaulve all the way open Should it be? I was reading earlier and some say it should be closed some..... this true?:question:


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yeah It ran for almost 24 hours before I hooked the 75 gallon holding tank up. Does the waste water on off valuve have to be open all the way or closed a lil?
yeah It ran for almost 24 hours before I hooked the 75 gallon holding tank up. Does the waste water on off valuve have to be open all the way or closed a lil?

How are you testing for your TDS? The TDS meter might need to be calibrated since its reading 24 on a brand new unit. What brand ro/di to you have? I leave my waste water open 100% and never have any issues.
What is the TDS of the tapwater?This could be the best that unit can produce.

The waste water valve can be wide open or partially close depending how fast water is pushed through the membranes.I don't have a valve on my unit but on a older unit,I ran most of the time with the valve half open/close.
Hey, what did that system cost? Any idea where I could get the specs? I'm wondering how the system flows. I work for a water treatment company and would Love to build a super system.

Any help would be great. Tim
Hey, what did that system cost? Any idea where I could get the specs? I'm wondering how the system flows. I work for a water treatment company and would Love to build a super system.

Any help would be great. Tim

There are many different brands of ro/di filter systems. Best way is to search them on google and take your pick. The prices range from $100 to $1000 plus.

Look up.

The filter guys
Filter direct
Hey biff, Yeah I had the culigan guys come over and run it they brought a brand new unopend TDS meter over with them and he had some fluid he used with it also. so I am not sure what is going on here. Do you think 24ppm is too high still?

As for the system I got it off of the They have newer ones then the one I have now. I paid around $200 for mine.
Ok, Maybe I have to purge the system again I am not sure what that does I am thinking just takes the air out of it but could that maybe be a reason? I am clueless why it wouldn't be closer to 0. Now I tested my holding tank water. thats correct right? Could it be possiable if the holding tank wasn't cleaned out enought it would cause a problem? didn't think water could cause so many issues!!! lol thanks again biff!
Yeah, it's possible the holding tank has residue or salt in it. What I usually do is run a bit of the water straight into a clean drinking glass, then test it from the glass. You shouldn't have to purge the system again. 24 hours of it running is more than enough.
my RODI unit has a switch which allows me to clean the membrane off. Basically, all the water flushes across the membrane rather than pushing through it, which removes all the accumulated crud from the membrane. I flush mine after appx every 24 hr of use. this is different than just letting the system run normally. Is it possible to do that with your model?

also, as others have asked, what is your tap water TDS?
Well I had my tap water rested and it reads at 355ppm so I think 24 is A LOT better! But I am going to call Culligan (they don't charge to test water) and see why I am reading high still.
My water was going from 350-400 ppm down to 11ppm. That's a fairly new unit with just the RO membrane, Sediment Filter and Carbon Filter. I just added a DI canister from BRS and that brought it down to 0 :)

I agree that 24 is too High for a new Unit.

"TDS IS TOO DAMN HIGH" Pun intended =P
If the RO membrane is not seated properly, this can happen. It won't leak from the outside, but will 'leak' from the inside, causing high TDS on the output. I have a dual tds meter (~$30) that I put on the line leaving the RO filter and then the line leaving the DI. That's high Tapwater. Mine in Syracuse is around 300 and I get 0. I changed my filters after about 6 - 7 months (not the RO) when I started to get readings above 0 consistently.
Don't know if this helps!
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