Brittle Starfish


Reefing newb
I have to move a 3 foot long brittle star to his new home in my new tank, what is the best way to handle him? Any suggestions?

Scoop it up by the body and move him over. It won't hurt brittle stars to be exposed to air for a short period of time. Just be careful not to grab him by the legs -- they may break off.
yup grab his body, I can imagine tho if he doesn't want to let go... A brittle that big can prolly hold on to 3+ rocks at the same time! xD

I had a big one, ~12" across he died while I was gone for training over the summer =( caused my whole tank to cycle >.< Got a sweet pic of him eating a dead tang tho =P
So, the move went well with the tank, we had one casualty the tomato clownfish which was very surprising. The other 3 are alive and kicking. They are pretty stressed out all except the tang. The brittle starfish decided to cooperate with me and he stayed in the skimmer tube, so all I had to do was pick up the large skimmer tube and drop him in the bucket for transport. As for everything else I am exhausted and still have a lot to do tonight. I have to aqua scape and get the fish drip going for entrance in the tank. I will take pics and post em.
Re: Brittle Starfish - Pictures Are Up!

Here he is at least most of him. He is gorgeous!


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That's a great looking brittle star! Has it gone after your fish yet? When they get that large, they sometimes start going after fish. I had two that I had for years and they got huge, and then started catching fish.
Nope, he hasn't caught any fish yet. All of the fish are pretty large except for the dwarf angel and it just ignores it. We'll see!
Thanks for the picture. I've got a Green on that reaches side to side in my Red Sea Max. I think he ate my two Firefish a while back.
That's awesome :)

Here's that pic of mine a long time ago eating poor tang that got a dog hair cought in his mouth & died =*(


Don't worry about them eating your fish tho, imo they are wayy to slow for that. If the fish isn't dieing the brittle is not gonna be able to get him :)
Don't worry about them eating your fish tho, imo they are wayy to slow for that. If the fish isn't dieing the brittle is not gonna be able to get him :)

Not true. I witnessed mine reach out and grab perfectly healthy fish, then drag them under the rock, never to be seen again. They will be able to catch and kill fish when they get to a certain size. In fact, the green ones are notorious for doing so, which is why they are nicknamed "green death stars".
The Green Deat stars will actually flatten themselves against the roof of a cave and drop down on fish when the hide after lights out.
The Green Deat stars will actually flatten themselves against the roof of a cave and drop down on fish when the hide after lights out.

Man all the cool stuff these critters do unfortunately results in something else dying.

Like it would be awesome to have say... a mantis shrimp if they practiced catch and release fishing :P
Man all the cool stuff these critters do unfortunately results in something else dying.

Like it would be awesome to have say... a mantis shrimp if they practiced catch and release fishing :P

I got a Mantis in my 125.:D And he's the reason I cant keep any crabs.But he runs like a scalded dog when one of my fish gets to close.Even runs from my 2 little green Chromies.:shock: