Nassarius Snail Looks Dead?


Reefing newb
I purchased a cleanup crew about 3-4 weeks ago that included 10 Nassarius Snails, several of which have been showing odd symptoms lately. I have noticed they hang on the glass; literally. Their shells are all twisted and they look like they are barely hanging on, however if I touch them they move their shell back to normal for a brief period and then starting "falling" off the glass again. Also, they have this weird slime trial behind them. Can anybody help identify what is going on???
what are your water parameters?

also nass snails generally hide in the sand.. I rarely see any of mine on the glass and if i do they are no more than 6 inches off the sand bed
I also see most of mine in the sand which I why I found it so odd they are on the glass. My tank is 24" deep with a 4" sand bed and there are two about an inch away from the top of the glass.

since my last post, one of them fell to the sand and is already working his way back up the glass, slowly, and still semi-twisted.


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That isn't their normal behavior. The only time I seen them on the glass is when they're laying eggs. The slime trail is normal.... Atleat for all the ones I have onwed.

One test that has always worked for me to see if they're alive is sticking dead fish or oysters in the tank. If they come for it they're ok.LOL They will dig out of the sand like the living dead.HAHA They were by far the coolest snails.
That isn't their normal behavior. The only time I seen them on the glass is when they're laying eggs. The slime trail is normal.... Atleat for all the ones I have onwed.
Mine will climb the glass everytime that I feed my tank, they always come back down and burrow in the sand after a while though.
I have a couple doing this same odd behavior and staying out of the sand almost all the time. My others are in the sand...kinda wierd, but mine have been doing it for about 3 days, and all the others are fine so I wasn't too worried.
Maybe they're hungry....trying to find food on the glass. Mine do that on occasion in bursts...especially when I haven't scraped the algae off hehehehe, If there's not much leftover food for them, you could always get some Spectrum pellet food. Toss some in there once in a while for the cuc. I toss some in there once every now and then. All the inhabitants love it. Make sure some sink, cuz my fish usually catch it before it hits the ground.
Are you sure they are not laying eggs?Have you seen tiny little white eggsacks on the glass?

Maybe wonton is right,they could be really,really hungry.I generally throw in a silverside or two once a week.