Dying shrooms


Reefing newb
022 shrooms and dead gionopora resized.webp

012 shrooms and fire fish resized.webp022 shrooms and dead gionopora resized.webp

012 shrooms and fire fish resized.webpMy red shrooms seem to be dying off yet the green shrooms are getting bigger, could the high nitrates I had have been the cause, they are at 20mg/L now since removing the filter media, doubled up on photo's sorry
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No, I never did find them. :(

That's weird about the shrooms. Do they look the same with the lights on and off? Are they in a lot of light, or not very much light?
Maybe too much current also,IDK,but i know my red ones never fully opened till i moved them to a nice calm spot in the tank..seems that way for all my rics and shrooms,but your appeared to be doing fine and now all of a sudden they are not...so IDK
I'm betting that that algae thats growing arond your mushrooms,are whats effecting them.
Step up your water changes to at least 50% twice a week until you get those nitrates down.
What are his trates,and whats consider bad for shrooms...mine have always been around 5-10ppm...since getting my first shrooms a couple months ago they have done nothing but get bigger....crazy ting is,i read on an online forum that some people think shrooms actually do better in a tank with trace amounts of trates...
I believe his nitrates used to be 40+, but then he removed his mechanical filtration media, and now it's at 20.

Lots of corals do better in a tank with a small amount of nitrates. But 40 (and even 20) can be too much.
I recall the one guy on another forum saying his were at 10-15 and his shrooms never looked better,
so is it safe to say Algy 's problem is trates
No, I never did find them. :(

That's weird about the shrooms. Do they look the same with the lights on and off? Are they in a lot of light, or not very much light?

closer to the bottom of the tank, same distance from the led's as the green shrooms, they seem to gradually shrivel