Yellow Tang

Well Sarah Now I like the one that isn't hiding because the other is all beat up lol the problem is gonna be taking him out... cuz he doesn't come out of the rocks and the other one as soon as I open my canopy goes behind the rocks and doesn't come out till I close it.

Thanks andy
Well Sarah Now I like the one that isn't hiding because the other is all beat up lol the problem is gonna be taking him out... cuz he doesn't come out of the rocks and the other one as soon as I open my canopy goes behind the rocks and doesn't come out till I close it.

Thanks andy

It's worth a shot to try re-arranging the rocks then, if you can. It may help with the aggression. Or leave your lights out for a few days and try to feed the poor guy heavily during that time.
Well today I fed the fish twice in small amounts to see if the tang would come out and he started coming out and the other tang would chase him back to his hiding spot. Well after like 10 minutes of them doing that they stopped and now they both swim around together like if nothing had ever happen. lol
Here is the bigger one.


nd here is the smaller one, it looks like its really small compare to the other tang but their not is just the picture. lol

Why.... because 2 yellow tangs will very quickly outgrow your 65 gallon tank... probably less then 1 year if feed properly:Cheers:
That's if one doesn't kill the other off first... They are just not compatible with each other (as you have seen).

Is it fair to keep two fish in constant stress and fear around each other, making one of them VERY unhealthy, just because "you like them"?
Well I have read that you can keep more than one yellow tang if you introduce then to the tank at the same time which is what I did. They were fine for like 5 month and then all of a sudden they turned on each other but now they are fine and they are not in constant fear of each other.
What you have read is a guideline to go by. i have 5 tangs in a 210 gallon tank. Thae biggest being 5 inchs and the smallest like 3 1/2 . They tend to fight even with each other and they have been in there for a long time. Tangs are just aggresive towards each other. even if you do introduce them at the same time it's not always true that they will get along. The bigger tang will pick on the smaller one.... goodluck:Cheers:
+1 Joker. I've got a Sailfin, Orange Shoulder, and a Yellow in my 180g. The Yellow is the most docile out of the bunch, but they still argue. My Orange Shoulder is the most aggressive he'll even go after my Foxface. Seems the more mature and comfortable they get with the tank, the more aggressive.

Agree with Biff. You need to get some Algae sheets in that tank pronto. Those fish are starving to death...You can see through them....Here's my Yellow, you can't see his organs.


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