I'm a Daddy!!!!


Reefing newb
For the first time in over 6 months of spawning I finally was able to find the eggs my tomato clowns laid ( last night ) and tonight they hatched! at the moment i have about 40 baby clowns and still more eggs to go. I have the larvae in a 2.5 gal tank with the sides completely blocked out, a small heater,instant ammonia gauge and an air line pumping out about 3-5 bubbles a sec. they are being fed l-type rotifers and will be for the next five to seven days at which time i will start adding freshly hatched brine. that about it for now I will keep an update. I'm going to see if any more have hatched now and if not its off to bed until the morning
I know, I know. I swear I thought you were following me the other day.:mrgreen:

Don't you know it was Biff who cut your power of for 2 hours and broke your check valve??

Congrats, eclipse!! Keep us posted on the progress :) You should start a breeding build thread and post pics!
Here is a really bad pic of them two days old have have not lost a single one ( knock on wood ) they are doing well water is Nitrate 0, nitrite 0, ammonia .5, and salinity is 1.021, still feeding just rotifers and phyto for the rotifers tomorrow or tuesday i will start a batch of brine
oops I ment to put one in the last post but forgot the pics are really bad as the water is green from the nannochloropsis and the babies are only 2-4mm long but here is what I've gotten so far


  • babies.jpg
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oops I ment to put one in the last post but forgot the pics are really bad ass the water is green from the nannochloropsis and the babies are only 2-4mm long but here is what I've gotten so far

I think I see the lock ness monster!!!:mrgreen:

Yeah those pics are bad, hopefully in a few weeks, they will be easier to take pics of.:Cheers: