need this explianed to my none reef smart girl friend


Reefing newb
i am trying to tell her about lighting i am about to order a 150 watt MH/2x14 watt atanic t5 and she wants to know in more detail then i can give why the blue does and what MH do and how coral respond to them please help it is a matter of getting my light and not
Corals are photosynthetic animals. Like plants, corals receive the majority of their energy from the light. Without light, they'll die. With insufficient light, they'll slowly shrink, lose their color and die. In the wild, corals are sustained by the sun. We have to try and mimic that energy source for them in our tanks. Obviously, we can't come anywhere near copying the sun, but we can do well enough with metal halide, T5 and LED lighting systems.

Corals use certain wavelengths of light, but not others. The bulbs we buy are specially formulated to provide corals with the wavelengths they can use. The colors we choose for bulbs are often chosen to balance coral growth and coral appearance. The spectrum that corals grow best under isn't necessarily what they look best under. So the halide bulb usually is what corals use to grow, and the actinics supplement that light with some extra color that makes the colors look nice to us.

A good light is probably the most important piece of equipment for a reef tank. Without a good light, you are going to have a hard time keeping the vast majority of corals. On the contrary, one good light can allow you to keep anything you want.
Biff and Capt have you covered.

But you might also want to pick up a set of these for your gf so you can have yours back. :mrgreen: ;)


I'm just kidding. I know you have to keep the woman happy. But I saw those and thought they were pretty funny. :lol:
Or you could just find the ones God gave you. They're in here.:D


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Now you can tell her you have to get the lights because we're picking on you. See, we're here to help.
hahaha! They had to go there! Good luck with the girlfriend. I'm saving little by little for new lights, they are very important and I want to have some nice corals down the road as I'm sure your looking to do. Women....that new bed set is a must, but lights for the tank....naaaa
Women....that new bed set is a must, but lights for the tank....naaaa

That is a very poor generalization right there. I have spent more on my tank/s in the last 10 years than I have on anything in my life, with the exception of my house and my education. :lol:
Biff and Capt have you covered.

But you might also want to pick up a set of these for your gf so you can have yours back. :mrgreen: ;)


I'm just kidding. I know you have to keep the woman happy. But I saw those and thought they were pretty funny. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I can't stop laughing! :rofl: :rofl: