coral has stopped opening up


Reefing newb
This coral (don't know what it's called) has stopped opening up, it usually has small green heads, any ideas?



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Green Star Polyps, how long have they been in the tank? Have you moved them, your powerheads or changed anything with your lighting recently?
did you move the powerhead back? It could just be that the change in flow annoyed him. I wouldn't start worrying just yet.
GSP can be picky about stuff like that. Sometimes they'll close up for no apparent reason. As long as that purple mat is still there, you're okay. If the purple mat starts to recede, then it's dying. I think it'll open up again with time.
I would wait a couple more days before I started to worry. Maybe someone with a little bit more experience will chime in too

Edit: looks like Biff's already got you covered
GSP can be picky about stuff like that. Sometimes they'll close up for no apparent reason. As long as that purple mat is still there, you're okay. If the purple mat starts to recede, then it's dying. I think it'll open up again with time.
Good news the GSP has fully opened up:^: