DIY Sea Squirt !!

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
Made my own Sea squirt,

$2.00 turkey baster from Target
Piece of tubing i already had
Bic Ink pen Body i already had

I cut the length tubing i needed and heated it on the stove back and forth the soften it up and make it straighten out, then while it was still hot i pulled both ends to keep it straight then ran cold water over it until it was cool and it was as straight as a nail,
took a Bic ink pen and removed the ink and ball pen and slid it into the end of the tube so that it has a nice small nozzle on the end for good feeding control and whalla i have a sea squirt for $2.00 and about 15 minutes time , seems to be working great.


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Nice idea! But I was thinking before I opened the thread that you would have used a Cajun Injector for this! LOL!

I've tried using just the baster, but could never control it very well, it squirted out too much at times. With the smaller opening on the end, it should be more precise. I have some acrylic tubing I can use instead of the pen case. Now I have another project for the weekend!. Thanks!