Uh oh, he's ALIVE ... he's ALIVE!


Reefing newb
I recently removed a HUGE Stone crab from my main tank because he was eating all of my snails and hermits. His only saving grace was that I thought he had also eaten my pesky Mantis Shrimp. Now that the crab is gone, look what showed up! :grumble:

YIKES!!! :shock:


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I know, really! He is kinda cute though. Anybody have any luck just living with 'em since they are so hard to catch?
Hahaha! That's funny! That mantis is HUGE! And you got a great looking one too, not one of the bland, boring colored ones.

You can try living with the mantis. Some people wouldn't mind replacing snails and crabs that they catch. But they WILL catch and eat fish, and I don't know too many people that would be okay with replacing their expensive fish.

Yote has had a lot of success catching mantis shrimp. There are a number of tactics you can try.
This guy has a large mantis living in his refugium with fish. Doesn't seem to be causing any problems. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWdhHEGFL7g&playnext_from=TL&videos=C5aais-Ok_E]YouTube - Big Mantis Shrimp in a Marine Refugium[/ame]
Something I'm learning about Mantis,is those like you have will normally shy away from your fish and most of your other inverts.
I know because I got one just like him living in my tank.:D He'll display at the fish and cleaner shrimp until they get to close for his comfort,then he'll dive into a hole.He usually comes out at night and hunts for pods along the rock.
But if you really want to catch him,you'll have to spend a little time and get him used to being fed from a net or in some other type of trap.Then when he's comfortable being fed,you'll have to quickly yank him out.BUT,You'll have to get him on the first try.After that,you'll have to come up with another idea.
That guy's refugium is very impressive. And his Mantis...Pretty impressive too. He's got a 7 incher! Can you imagine if it got a finger or hand? Yikes!!!
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Thanks YOTE.

So far he is acting just as you described. I have 2 Peppermint Shrimp that are around him all of the time and he doesn't seem to bother them. My 6 Line Wrasse bugs him all the time and he shies away from him. He also seems very bashful and shoots away to a hole when ever I try to watch him up close.

Today was the first day that he was out long enuff to get pics of him.
That wrasse will keep him under control :D
It seems that wrasses have a bad dis-likin to mantis shrimp.The last one I actually tryed to get rid of,I used a yellow coris wrasse to catch him.The wrasse will grab the mantis behind the head and bash them against a rock.Then they'll eat the soft under belly of the mantis.
Hahaha go the wrasse! Id love to see a wrasse bash a mantis's head in, better than boxing :D

good luck, great looking mantis though!
It is so cool looking that I would be tempted to try it out. But hopefully it doesnt get more aggresive as it gets older and bigger.