i foresee an anemo-nuke!


Reefing newb
well i came home this morning and my btw had moved next to my filter intake where it seems he has torn off close to half of his tentacles... should i get rid of him i reallllllly dont wanna nuke the tank... and theres already a tentacle thats stuck on the filter intake... should i do a huge water change? change the filter media? what?
Well first of all what are your current water perameters?
Secondly, if you lift him slighly out of the water does he smell bad? It will be very clear when an anomone has died, they stink!


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yesterday my levels were all zero with a ph of 8.2 water temp of 80.2 and salinity at 1.026... im in the process of testing again. ill post in five minutes haha
Lol alright. If it were me i wouldn't do a massive water exchange unless you have nitrites/nitrates or both. How often are you doing your water changes?
i do them every 8-9 days... my levels are doing better like that then when i do them once a week strictly... im trying to extend the time in between. my last one was on the 8th of july.
btw levels today are:
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 0-5 ppm
temp: 80.4
and the salinity shouldnt be different as i tested it yesterday and the water level is the same haha
Yeah i'd say do a small water change to try to get that little bit of nitrate out but aside from that i wouldn't worry too much about you anomone for now.
alright... i really am thinking of trading him regardless... the amount of stress i have from him alone being in this tank is more than all the other inhabitants combined haha
also... the tentacles are no where to be found... im assuming they are in the filter... should i change the filter media... i dont wnt the nematocysts breaking off and stinging/killing everything
ok ill have to go downtown and get some.. how long do you think it can be sitting like that for... should i just turn the filter off for now... the skimmers still breaking in but its pulling large particles out that i think owuld do the job of the hob filter for now.
Nematocysts cannot break off and sting, injure, kill anything. They require a mechanical (touching) or chemical stimuli to make them expel from their housings. Change your filter anyway but your fish and other animals are safe from that particular part.