coral munching snails?


Reefing newb
I find this very strange but one or more of my turbo snails keeps cleaning my coralline algae encrusted rocks and chomping down on my blue clove polyps.
Any way to stop this other than removing the snail? I've got about 5-8 in a 55 gal and used to have a lot of algae when I got my new lights. Now I have a lot less algae after getting new skimmer and sump so maybe my snails are starving for anything edible.
My algae (knock on wood) is very under control and the snails are going after my tangs algae sheets. Try putting an algae sheet on a clip somewhere they can get to.
Are you 100% sure the snails aren't going after some algae that growing under your cloves?
Turbos are strictly herbivores.
that is entirely possible, it's just not too visible now because my snails clean too well.


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