Nubby is M.I.A


Stop Quoting Me!
Information regarding the disappearance of "Nubby". "Nubby" is a Blue Linkkia Starfish who lived in a 180g aquarium in Michigan. Named "Nubby" by his handsome owner due to an accident involving a Mantis Shrimp and a stray leg. The good looking owner of "Nubby" stated: "Im not really broke up about it or anything, I'm just wondering where the heck he is."
The last time "Nubby" was seen he was wearing a blue jacket, with a speckled pattern on it. This was over 96 hrs ago. He had previously been seen talking to a Mexican Turbo Snail around the "overflow". Police have checked every square inch of the sump, overflow, and tank. However, they're waiting for a warrant before they can start dredging the tank, and looking under rocks.

The owner stated to the press: "you see, I just recently got a new fish, so I've been a little pre-occupied, and didn't really look for him. I didn't notice he was even gone until Parrotchute specifically asked to see him in my "build-thread". So I was gonna snap a quick picture."

Police are currently interviewing Parrotchute in regard to his whereabouts over the last 96 hrs. Lieutenant Tang said "Mr. "Chute" better hope he has a good alibi for his whereabouts, and he might want to think about "lawyering-up" because we will definitely be asking for a lie detector test. Mr.Chute definitely had interest in the starfish, and since he drives helicoptors for a living, it would be very easy for him to travel great distances without being detected. I'm not saying, he did it....Yes I am."

The most recent Picture of "Nubby"


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I hate to say this PRC...but its usually the parents when this sort of thing happens. Do you have an alibi for the last 96 hrs? I didn't think so. Grab your coat mister, were gonna need you to come down to the station to answer a few questions.

Just trying to rule that out. Alot of times either at the LFS or at home they are exposed to air which can kill the star.
Get all the neighbors in your community to form a search party. Check the woods and the ponds really well.

He's probably just hiding deep in the rock work. My friends Blue Linkia doeas that alot.

I took the liberty of visiting a psychic. She said Nubby commited suicide. He was clinically depressed. He always just felt so blue. :lol:

I took the liberty of visiting a psychic. She said Nubby commited suicide. He was clinically depressed. He always just felt so blue. :lol:

And you refused to get him one of those doggy wheel chair things so he could get around better. Not even a peg leg! Poor guy, all his tank neighbors laughing at him.
Maybe we should put out an Amber Alert? Get a blood hound to start tracking! Should be easy to track a 4 legged starfish with a severe limp.
How hard should I look for the ol' Nubster? I'm 99% positive he's dead in the tank somewhere. The way my rock is set up, he can't really hide anywhere. I've never had anything that big die. I think I'm gonna do about a 40g water change and try to locate him.

And before you ask, I don't have my Ammonia test. I let my nephew borrow it and he didn't bring it back yet. I'm gonna test for Nitrites and Nitrates right now.
If he's that big, and were dead I'm sure you'd see him. I'm still betting at inside the rockwork some where clinging to it in a position you can't readily see him.
If he's that big, and were dead I'm sure you'd see him. I'm still betting at inside the rockwork some where clinging to it in a position you can't readily see him.

But I don't have a rock wall like most people do, I've got 3 islands. The way the rock is set up, I've got gaps everywhere so the fish can swim through. And because my tank is in wall, I can go 360 degrees looking around the tank. At one point or another, I can see every inch of the tank. I even shined a flashlight, nothing. Not any sign of him.

As long as I've had him (approx. 6-7 months) I've never known him to disappear. He's always visible somewhere.
you got cats?

Yeah, but they can't get to the top of the tank. They could eat him if he got out of the tank though...( I would like to think they wouldn't) ...A starfish wouldn't crawl out of the tank would it? I've never heard of that.

AND...if cats ate all of the stuff in your tank. Biff's tank would be empty.:D