Possible white coral can stay that way?


Reefing newb
I turned a piece of rock upside down weeks back to prevent the algae that was on it from continueing to grow. Unknown to me at the time was that there were 2 baby polyps on that rock. These polyps have grown out completely white. And yes they are actually growing. They seem to be stretching to reach the light near the side of the rock. Is it possible that these polyps could multipy and stay white? Cell phone pic attached one of these days I will replace my camera.


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    white polyp.jpg
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the little white circle is the polyp that is the biggest. There is also one right behind it just a tad bit smaller. Its wild looking. Thats why I am wondering if they could reproduce like this. Just think for sale soon...Albino polyps.
Could it be though that they expell their photosynthetic partners. If they did they would be suriving on food intake rather then photosynthesis.No color corals are still animals for little while right before they die off from lack of nutrients?

I could be way off but I m sure I read that in a book.....
Could it be though that they expell their photosynthetic partners. If they did they would be suriving on food intake rather then photosynthesis.No color corals are still animals for little while right before they die off from lack of nutrients?

I could be way off but I m sure I read that in a book.....

You are not way off -- you are totally correct. Bleached corals have expelled their symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae). There is usually a little bit left in them (even if you can't see the color), which is why they can usually recover once they are placed back in the light.
You are not way off -- you are totally correct. Bleached corals have expelled their symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae). There is usually a little bit left in them (even if you can't see the color), which is why they can usually recover once they are placed back in the light.

See reading those books was not complete waiste of time :)
I prefer Smitty who said I would be rich :) Don't really think I will be that lucky though. Would be so sweet to grow albino polyps though
Most people want colors in their coral but not you. You would have the market on albino corals. That would be cool to find and probably a moneymaker.
I have had totally white mushrooms before -- they got lost behind rocks and stuff. They always regained their colors eventually.