Clown Fish


Reefing newb

Recently brought a paired clownfish couple, Unfortunately the little male got sucked up by the power head last night, = me very annoyed. I have removed him but am wondering whether or not this will affect the female Clown fish or not, its Easter Friday here so LFS is closed today.

Any info would be great im got no idea what to do atm. please help
That sucks...well, your female should be fine. I got a pair (they were still young) a little over a year ago...sometime last october I think my male female's been fine, even through a move to a larger tank. If you want to get another one, get one bigger or smaller than the one you have now, otherwise they'll be duking it out for dominance.
In my experience, definately add a significantly smaller fish. That way there will be much less potential for death by duking! *L*
Im abit worried though she gone into hiding and doesn't look well at all she seems to be breathing really heavily and i think there might be something wrong with her, Ill post some pics
It's possible the clown was dead before getting sucked into the powerhead...sorta floated into there...if that's the case, maybe the other one is suffering the same ill effects.

Were they very small? If so, smaller fish don't do as well. What are your parameters?
The female in Pic is much larger the male was smaller, i think he got sucked up cause he was swimming around last night when i went to bed at 0001 and i was up at 7am ive tried to upload pic dont know if its worked or not ill post paramaters l8r


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Paramater where
p.h. = 8.2
nitrate = 20ppm
nitrite = 0ppm
Ammonia = 0 ppm
in a 215 litre tank

I got a Coral beauty and A Flame Angle in the tank and they are healthy. they've been in longer than the Clown Fish
Sorry for the slow reply
Clowns all start off as male fish. They're hermaphroditic. The largest of the group will trn into a female. Since you already have a female if you add a larger clown they're going to fight. Definitely add a smaller one. That way everybody can keep their same sexual orientation.
Paramater where
p.h. = 8.2
nitrate = 20ppm
nitrite = 0ppm
Ammonia = 0 ppm
in a 215 litre tank

I got a Coral beauty and A Flame Angle in the tank and they are healthy. they've been in longer than the Clown Fish
Sorry for the slow reply

Might just be luck of the draw, then, with the clowns. I've learned to accept that in this hobby, sometimes fish die for unknown reasons. I've lost 3 fish to unknown causes.

Side note, though -- just because other fish that have been there longer are doing great, doesn't really mean there's nothing wrong with the tank. Because they're probably used to the poor conditions of the tank, and a new fish couldn't handle it. I doubt that's the case here, though. Your params are fine.
Next to anthias it would seem like Percula/Ocellaris clowns are worm carriers.People bring them home,they don't eat and have a listless attitude to everything going on around them.

If she doesn't eat soon be worry.Seeing the lateral line in your picture is not good.
Salinty is good, Female clown fish died overnight ;-( went to LFS and ask wtf they checked water paramaters and said everything was fine and they dont know why they died, I guess I'll just keep on eye on the 2 other fish and my water paramaters, let the tank settle down and make sure everything is fine before I add anything again