Foxface Jealousy


Stop Quoting Me!
Foaxface2.jpgSo as you all know, I got a foxface a few days ago. I'm happy to report that he's doing just fine. Warming up to the tank nicely. He was so close to the front of the tank today, I could see the yellow stripe running down his nose, and his nostrils.

I'm only telling you these stories because Wonton has a severe case of Foxface envy. :D

He eats the algae sheets and really goes after them..It's actually kinda violent to watch him tear those things up on the veggie clip. So now my female clown (who's a raving loon) will swim up behind him while he's eating the algae and try to get a scrap or two.(I don't think she actually eats it, she just wants to be involved)...But now, she's getting so close to him she's in his "personal space". He'll throw up his dorsals, look at her, and swim behind a rock until she leaves, then he'll come back, and there she is right behind him again. It's pretty funny. I'm waiting for him to just smack her and say "Do you friggin' mind?"

So I put the algae sheet in the same place everytime, and he can creep up on it at his leisure. Today, I was feeding and decided to put a piece of mysis on my corals, etc. well here he comes like JAWS stright up real slow. He smells the shrimp.

Just as he was about to take it right out of my hand, I sissy'd out and dropped it. But I think i can feed this fish right out of my hand....gonna try tomorrow. Gonna try to film it.

These guys really are great fish, I'm so happy with how the clowns and foxface get along. They will all go into the same cave in the tank and just hang out, play cards, do whatever 3 fish do. The foxface really is the perfect compliment to the clowns. When the clowns are little hyper, he's just laid back.

C'mon Wonton join the Foxface club.


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