My new arrival


Stop Quoting Me!
I got my foxface! Here's a pic..He's a one spot (obviously) . He's getting along fine with the clowns. He's amazing to watch. After I put him in the tank, my female clown would only give him abour 1/4 of the tank. So he dealt with it for a little while, but then he decided to start roaming around. The clown didn't like that too much, but once he opened up those switchblades a couple of times, she got the point. A few hours later, they're swimming around like they've known each other for years.

He's really graceful in the water, totally different swimmer than the clowns. The clowns swim with jerky motions, and he just kind of floats to where he wants to go. I'm really happy with him. He's still a little skittish, so I am staying away from the tank as much as possible.

I got a couple of different types of algae sheets. Red and green (w/garlic), for him to snack on, he's also grazing around the tank. I'm feeding mysis which he seems to be doing well with. I read that you should feed "fresh" vegetables.. What do you guys do? I saw brocolli, spinach, etc. on the menu. The article said be careful of lettuce as it can cause some digestive problems.

Here's a pic.

Thanks to everybody who helped me with the decision. Smitty, Yote, AG, Reefreak, Wonton, Biff, Parrotchute, Chemist, VAReef.


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I'm gonna have to get me another rabbitfish of some kind.:D
Those are awesome fish and will become more of a pet as he settles in.
Looking good! You'll love him.
Mine won't eat algae sheets, shows no interest. Mine loves the veggie flake food (even though I prefer frozen stuff), and will eat blood worms, mysis, and brine readily.

For a treat, I pull clumps of calurpa out of my tank and feed him that stuff. He goes nuts over it and has a fun time chasing the floating strands around the tank.

He'll be skittish for a bit, but then should recognize you and come out when you walk by. Mine hides if my friends are over, but if it's just me, he comes right out.
I managed to get a shot of him munching on a algae sheet. He seems to prefer the red over the green but will eat both. When I put the red in, he goes and gets it. When I put the green in, he'll get to it when he feels like it.


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Beautiful fish! I'm glad you got him. If he is readily eating algae sheets, you don't need to feed him fresh veggies. There's a frozen food you should check out for him, though. It's called Emerald Entree.
got him. If he is readily eating algae sheets, you don't need to feed him fresh veggies. There's a frozen food you should check out for him, though. It's called Emerald Entree.

I'll be putting it on the shopping list. Thanks Biff. are gonna fall in love with that fish. They have one of the best personalities out of all the fish. Truly a pet worth having.
He's already starting to warm up to his new home...I've been a little concerned with my arm in the tank due to the fins, but I had to kill 4 mojano today. I had my two sons pointing the mojanos out at the front of the tank, while I was in the back of the tank shooting them with Aiptaisia X. He would normally go hide in a corner..Not anymore, he just puts on a little cammo and stays in the middle of the tank..Time to buy some rubber gloves!

My boys flipped out when he changed colors!

And he's constantly grazing on the algae on the rock and even on the not only is he fun to watch, he's trying to keep the tank clean.:mrgreen:
That's great that yours is eating algae sheets, I wish mine was. I'm going to check out emerald entree like Biff suggested, maybe that will be a good alternative for me than green veggie flakes.

Mine constantly brushes up against my hand when its in the tank, but no stings yet. Even if I try to shoot him away, he just stays bold!
My LFS had several different types of rabbitfishes in today, including a few foxfaces. I was so tempted to buy one just from everyone else's posts about how much they love that fish!
Mine constantly brushes up against my hand when its in the tank, but no stings yet. Even if I try to shoot him away, he just stays bold!

You or the fish?...I don't know if my huevos are big enough. Everybody says it's like a bee sting.
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You or the fish?...I don't know if my huevos are big enough. Everybody says it's like a bea sting.

Their sting is just a touch worse than a wasper sting.Dont really hurt no worse,but will itch like hell for a day or 2.
I think I'd have to startle him pretty badly to get a sting. When he gets close to me I just don't move my hand and he goes on his merry way.
OH you suck! I was gettin' foxface fever (especially after chatting more w/ andysgirl in chat the other night) LOL I was gettin' ready to order one from my LFS!

But congrats :)