The following is rated X by the Reefers Association


Reefing newb
Well it seems that spring is in the air and in my tank. With spring comes LOVE :mrgreen: And I seem to find that my snails must be pretty happy each other. There are small snails popping up all over the place. As well as some unusual looking deposits on my glass.

So how do snails reproduce anyway? Biff? :shock:

One snail started laying what looks like a "string of pearls" behind it today. Also there are groups of very small "beads" in groups here and there on the glass. I wish I had a camera like Dennis so I could take some pictures, but my camera can't capture these things.


Charlie :Cheers:
I guess my camera did better than I thought it would. On the left is what the snail was depositing yesterday. Is it just poop??? The other clump is about 20 little tiny egg looking things in a very orderly pattern, almost like bowling pins set up. Any ideas?

Thanks :Cheers:


  • DSC02050.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 305
Congrats, you've got snail eggs!
I know nassarius snails lay eggs like that but I can't imagine a tiny nass leaving all that behind.