Glass vs. Crate?



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Without a glass top, is there a fishy smell? I know my sump downstairs smells--it doesn't have a top. Maybe it smells because of the protein skimmer and filter pads.....

No there is no fishy smell. The protein skimmer does put out some nice fumes of fish:pooh:
The only time it smells is during cleaning from stirring up the bottom.
Well I took my tops off today...tank tops that is! No...not tank tops....tops for my tank! ;) I have two wrasses and the top of my tank is surrounded by cabinets, so this should be interesting! If anything wacky happens, I'll be sure to let you guys know. Hopefully no crunchy wrasses!!! Thanks for all of the input....
Wow, I was getting excited there for a minute U4.

Good luck with the new top.

I used to have a topless tank because I liked having mangroves in the display. I learned not to buy gobies, but when I woke one morning to a regal angelfish on the floor, I started using egg crate. I still fear jumpers and escape artists, so I acually use two layers of egg crate, such that one layer is positioned over the other in a way that miminizes the holes.
I did pick up an eggcrate today. I'm going to cover the one bigger ledge I have with it....on a slant, so that if a fish jumps onto'll hopefully just roll back in. Yikes! Fingers crossed....
I added a piece of eggcrate over the overflow box thingy (technical, I know)....and left the rest uncovered. The idea is that if they jump up and hit the cabinet, they'll bounce back in...if they hit the eggcrate, they'll roll back down. :io:Hopefully I have everything covered---or not covered, in this case. :)



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It doesn't look to steep in the picture. I would test it. It looks like if the fish is facing up or down it may not make it back into the tank.
We had that in mind. I think it's steep enough with a wet fish flopping around...they'd definitely end up back in the water. Thanks for the thought!
I may do something like that with the glass tops I don't use. Condensation shouldn't be a problem with them leaning like that. I don't really have any jumpers at the moment. I just have to keep the cat from jumping into the tank
You CAN put a cover over your overflow. Mine is completely covered so no fish can jump in.

Good thought Biff. They don't land on the overflow cover and get stuck? That's what I was thinking....I also had a little ledge in back of the overflow I wanted to I think I'll keep the eggcrate slanted. So far so good, no crunchy fish this morning! ;)
I only had one fish that was a jumper, and it jumped and landed behind the tank. All of the other fish in my tank I've had for 4+ years now, so I doubt they'll start jumping now.
I used to have an open top and then I got my teminik wrasse so I had to cover it. I was using egg crate but it cuts down alot on the light. So today I made new tops out of the bird netting/wild life stuff from the garden section at lowes. Went the hardware section and picked up the window frame kits. You cut the aluminum fram with a hacksaw. Insert your corner pieces and lay down the netting. Then insert the spline material and pull the netting tight as you go. I really like it. 1/4" squares so it's still doing the job of the egg crate but it lets so much more light in. Very easy DIY project.