Glass vs. Crate?


Got Fish?
I'm questioning my tank's glass top thanks to some helpful friends :) in another thread. I'm just curious who uses glass, eggcrate style or nothing at all. If you could even just quickly post one of the three...I would appreciate. Sooooooooo much to learn!!! YIKES!!
Interesting...I too have an open sump. Maybe I should get an air stone and keep my glass tops?! Hmmmmmmmmmm.....
I have a canopy, so I can't really be of much assistance. My canopy does have two access panels in front that I will open for ventilation. THOSE have eggcrate screens on them to dissuade any potential jumpers. I started with a glass top, but HATED having to clean it so often.
I've never cleaned my glass...and it's a mess. If it wasn't so dirty, my tank would definitely get more light...
No glass top on mine either, to hard to keep glass clean. I have a canopy also. Eff crate in the back behind the lights. Plus the tank is now the humidifier for the house.
talk about a humidifier, think about when i walk into my fish room now, open topped 210, open topped 100 gallon sump, yea, i'm gonna have to do something in there to move some air...
Without a glass top, is there a fishy smell? I know my sump downstairs smells--it doesn't have a top. Maybe it smells because of the protein skimmer and filter pads.....
I used to have egg crate over my 240, but even that was hard to keep clean. Now my top is totally open. The fairy wrasse I got a few months ago jumped ship and was crispy by the time I found her, but so far that is the only loss via jumping.

Glass tops aren't as bad if you have an open topped sump, but they can also lead to temperature problems since they trap heat inside the tank.
I've only had my tank during fall and winter I haven't been concerned with high temps yet. I don't know if I'll have that concern with LED lights. Only summer will tell! ;) I wonder if I should get an air stone for my sump? It couldn't hurt, right? I do hate the glass's ALWAYS dirty. My tank is enclose with an upper if anything jumped out it would probably hit a wood wall and fall back in. lol Chances are they wouldn't end up crispy. chips!
If you have an enclosed canopy over the top, then ditch the glass. There's no reason for it, and it's just making a mess for you to clean up!
I probably wouldn't call it a canopy...more like a cabinet. There is a little ledge where I guess a fish could get stuck/caught. What are the chances? Here are photos....



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