Just Pathetic


Got Fish?
Here's a slightly blurry photo of my bubble tip rose anemone. It's the pathetic looking thing in the middle. UGH. It's been moving around a bit---and I think it takes a bit of brine shrimp from a pipette every week (hard to tell if it actually eats it)....Is there anything else I can do? It's like I'm just slowly watching it die. UGH again. :(



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If it really is dying, you might want to just take it out now before it dies and nukes your tank. If it's already dead it will melt and fall apart when you go to remove it, releasing toxins into the tank. And fair warning... it will smell ATROCIOUS when it breaks the water surface so be prepared. Best thing to do is turn a baggy inside out and grab it like you are picking up dog poo. Pick it up, fold the bag over and seal it all under water if you can.
Yep...my tank is about six months old. I have 2 condy anemones---and they are both doing very well....but I guess they're easier to keep? The bubble tip rose anemone has looked like this for a couple of weeks now. I'm pretty certain it's going to die or is in the process of dying. So I should just take it out? Love the baggie idea....I think I'll use it....
bubble tip anenomes are easiest anenome to keep but i would wait till tank is mature and parameters are nice a steady. Plus make sure you get a good size bubble tip cause clown fish will kill a small anenome from rubbing all over it. seen a guy go through a dozen green bubble tip anenome cause he wanted clowns with anenome, well 2 clowns and a bubble tip smaller than 5 or 6 inches isn't good.
wouldn't worry about removing anenome you got big enough tank it won't hurt anything if it dies. anenome don't nuke tanks like sea cucumbers do, or like a large fish could if it died and didn't get removed fast.
Well....I pulled the anemone up to the surface and gave it the sniff test. No smell whatsoever. I guess it's not dying...just really, really sad. I put it back in its favorite spot....and I'm keeping an eye on it. Thanks for all the info!
Honestly...a couple of months. When I bought it it was very small...but looked really heathy. Since then...it hasn't done anything...been all curled up and 'mushy' looking for months. I do feed it brine shrimp...(I think you suggested it :) )....but I can't even tell if it eats---they just seem to stick to it. Any-who...over the last week or so it's been moving around quite a bit...and it's looking a little sadder. Not sure what to do...if anything. It doesn't smell rancid...so that's a plus....
When you feed it the shrimp you should notice that the shrimp stick to the tentacals and then the tentacals will start to move. That's the sign of a health nem. I've noticed that my BTA will get small and look withered for a few days if he has a big meal. You may try holding off on the shrimp for a bit. Also, make sure you are giving him plenty of light. Good luck!