Need help.. To Bow front or not?


Reefing newb
I am going to be downsizing my 200gal reef tank to 100gal, but I cant decide if I want to go bow front or the standard rectangle. If anyone has pics that might sway my vote in either direction I would be greatful:mrgreen:
I only ever had rectangle tanks, but I would think you could be a little more creative with aquascaping in a bow front. :dunno:
I have heard some complaints about the difficulty of picture taking with a bow front, otherwise I don't believe there are any issues. I think it just comes down to ascetics and preference.
I had a 16 bow and thought it was cool. Currently have regular 75 but my next tank is going to be a custom 5' long bow. If you're big into pic taking then you might have a little trouble. You'll also have to think about your lighting choice and how you place certain corals. I think they look cool and its a little different.
Dont know of anyone off the top of my head that makes a 100 bow. (72,155,180gl) I have a 72 bow and love it. You do have to go a little lower to get pictures (look at it straight on) but here is a pic of mine with a phone. I like it for swimming room for the fishies. easier to aquascape too in my opinion( i have both bow and rectangle tanks.)


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I have a 46g bow and a 130g cube. And I used to have a standard 150g tank.
I will never have a bow again.
I don't like the way it distorts the view and I'm a big picture taker which is more difficult with the bow distortion.
I have a 46 G bow front on my freshwater tank and it's not bad. It's a little annoying because it can distort whatever I'm looking at. Ultimately, I wouldn't consider it a total waste of money or anything.
I have a 46g bow and a 130g cube. And I used to have a standard 150g tank.
I will never have a bow again.
I don't like the way it distorts the view and I'm a big picture taker which is more difficult with the bow distortion.

Noooooo! Really, you? :mrgreen: :bounce:
Looking into a bow front and moving my head just the slightest bit makes me queasy. Don't know why...maybe a motion sickness kind of thing? Once I experienced this a few times and was certain---I easily picked my rectangular tank. I'm weird, I know. :)
I guess I will have to check out some bow fronts in person to see if the distortion will bother me or not. Like I said I take most of my pictures from insde the tank.
bowfronts give me headachs from looking into them i had a 46g that i had as a fresh tank along time ago and hated it because of the distortion and the fact that i got headachs from it
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Phew. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has trouble looking into them....I thought maybe it was just me...I feel better. :)
Yeah I like to take pic's and I have a bow I don't think I would intentionally get another... now if it was a good deal? That is how I wound up with a bow front in the first place I found a deal I couldn't pass.