Cloudy eye (fungus?) in my Green banded Goby!!


Reefer Madness
Hey All,
I just picked up a green banded goby (from ORA) from my shop. He's a tiny little fellow, and my aging eyes didn't notice his eye. After he was acclimated and happy (feeding, bopping around, finding shelter under the green abalone!), I noticed one eye was clouded. I think it's probably a bacterial/fungal infection from an injury. He probably arrived to the LFS last week, and I picked him up thursday. I don't have a quarantine tank :grumble:, could I use Melafix and Pimafix in the tank? I have mushrooms, a duncan, zoa's, and clove polyps, and bunches of trochus, nassarius and a conch. an abalone and 2 peppermints and two false clowns.

The LFS will make good, but I don't want to just bring him back. Any help and insight from you guys would be immensely appreciated. He/She is very active, but definitely a problem! Such a pretty little fish!
Naw,Do not use any kind of medications in your display tank.
Anything thats strong enough to actually do the fish any good,is going to kill your corals,shrimp,snails,crabs,and all the cryptic life on and in your rock.
JMO,But I think the cloudy eye will clear up on its own as long as your provide good stable conditions.It might help to soak some food in something like garlic or vitamins.
Often times, a cloudy eye can result from injury sustained during moving... Usually a net brushing up against the eyeball. This will go away on its own eventually. Worst case scenario, the fish loses its eye and you have to help them out a bit by aiming their food at their mouth with a turkey baster for the rest of their life and they are only able to swim in counterclockwise circles over and over again. Like my one-eyed pajama cardinal.
You guys, among a few others, are who I wanted to hear from! Thank you.

I know I shouldn't treat (ever!) treat the display tank yote. I don't think melafix will hurt, but it may not help. Still, I will wait it out, as everything is doing well, including the afflicted goby! Thanks!

I think that's exactly what happened Sarah. I've bonded with him, so I'll do whatever it takes! Only 1" cute as a button!

Thanks guys
Oh dear, I lost the little fellow. Last night he seemed fine, but this morning he was in the grips of a peppermint shrimp... The goby was small, do you think the shrimp killed him? I know they quickly devour dead items, but would he take a live fish? I hope not... Even though I only had him a few days I feel terrible. This was a small fish, I could have waited for a larger one for the tank. Damn.
Here's the little fellow, you can almost see his infected eye on the far side. No matter now...


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Oh man that sucks! It sounds like he had problems other than a cloudy eye that you didn't know about. The shrimp would not have killed him. He was dead already by the time the shrimp started munching on him.
The moonlights were still on and I could see the peppermint in it's lair, upside down holding the Goby. The goby look as if it just died in resting position, on the sand, just like the picture, it wasn't tattered at all. The eye was more than cloudy, there appeared to be fungus covering it.

Thanks for the thoughts!
Sorry to hear that Davis.
We cant always see everything that might be wrong with a fish when we buy them.If we could,we'd probably just tanks with just water,sand,and rocks in em.:sad:
Mike, Yes it was good advice, and heeded at the time and in the future (thanks yote!), and thanks Mike!

Thanks for all your kind words, but I'm busting a gut over dcant's (David's?) zinger and daugherty's retort!

It's good to laugh in times like these! Love hearing from all you guys. The LFS are very supportive too, and will soon get a brood mate.

It's all good, and my Syracuse is ranked #3 in AP!
Thanks all.