whats this on my hippo tang


love my reef
noticed this today is it a fungas or a burn??


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Whoa!!! What is that? Looks like velvet to me, but not a clear shot. I would be drowning his food in C and garlic....I know someone will pop in here and tell us what that is.
the makings on the head and upper body is a reflection Im looking at the the tail area.. it looks like bumps almost, I always do garlic, I put 3 drops in a day and then I also soak the food in it every other day along with zoe supplement.. I'l start to add Vit C into the tank.

Whoa!!! What is that? Looks like velvet to me, but not a clear shot. I would be drowning his food in C and garlic....I know someone will pop in here and tell us what that is.
Can you get a closer pic of that?

I'm guessing its probably some kind of cancer,but thats just a wild guess.
just dosed the tank with Vit C, Garlic and I turned off the skimmer and added microbe-lift (ARTHMISS) 100% Natural Expellant for Bacteral Diseases
well my hippo tang is looking better, they are not puffed up anymore and seem to look like they are going away still treating the water with Vit C, Garlic, and Artemiss.