Escargot UGH!


Got Fish?
Escargot anyone? I guess this is really a case of survival of the fittest.



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HAHAHA!! Nice shot!!! Toss some garlic in there to make it a REAL escargot dish :) Hopefully the crab doesn't learn that the other crabs are dinner, too. My lfs had this one rogue crab that learned to attack turbos cuz they were yummy, and since it was a hermit, it would eat the snail, then use its shell.
Sorry but in the wild, natural causes include getting eaten by a preditor:shock:

I used to have crabs that would wait til fedingtime then attack my nass snails that would come out of hiding to eat:grumble:
Well, when he had enough to eat, he ripped what was left of the snail out of the shell and moved right in. lol I guess there was a method to his madness. The snail was NOT having a good day. First to be murdered and then to have your house stolen....Yikes! :)
yep i had one jump on of my nass snails and take his shells....I laugh every time I see him in it.....your used to seeing hermits in pointy shells and hes in this big round one that he high jacked
Ursula those type of Hermit Crabs are the evil ones! They are big Red Scarlet Crabs and will eat all your snails as well as other crabs. The little Blue Legged Hermit crabs are the ones to keep without trouble.
Thanks dcantucson....I'm finding that out. He's already eaten my fiddler crab, one very large snail, and he likes to rip little clams off of their rocks and try to eat them. I'm wondering if he'll try to get my emerald crab. :( He might have to go back to my LFS. They said I could swap him out for something else if he's a pain. Hmmmmmmmmm...
Well Herman the hermit was fun while he lasted. He was my boyz favorite! I returned him to my LFS. Not because he ate my snail or my fiddler crab...but because he was decapitating my button coral! He'd pluck them off one by one in hopes of finding food underneath I guess. UGH. No more big crabs for me! :)