I forgot how beautiful my reef was


Blenny Badlands
As some of you know, I burned out the magenetic ballast that powered my VHO actinics (or rather, it tried to burn ME out). I finally freed up some funds today to replace it with an Icecap ballast. Now that ALL of my complimentary lights are firing, I realize how very much color I was missing.

MH only:



Actinics and MH:


That IS a great looking tank Andysgirl.
And I see that you have the purple plague in your future:D Those spots are popping up on the back glass:D
That is a HOT tank!!!!! Look how sexy that Tang is!!! I have to go look at mine now, say this real high pitched, "here fishies!!!" Thay all come up to me and look for food. Extra nice tank you have there.
Wow andysgirl great looking tank, I too love me some tangs:mrgreen: I have a beautiful reagal tang and sailfin and vlamingi and a clown tang with a unicorn on order :^::bounce::^::^:
I hope this doesn't come off as me being an ass........

The tang looks like it has the beginnings of hole in the head disease. I've read a bunch about the black spots near the eyes being an indicator for the disease.

It's easy to fix!! Better diet. I'm not a tang expert and I sincerely hope I'm wrong. But maybe look into it just to be sure the fish is healthy? I think from what I was reading they need supplemental algae feedings and maybe even something as simple as Romain lettuce?

Hope thats taken to heart 'cause it was from mine. :Cheers: No offense meant.

But the tank is beautiful!!
Actually, those are the little freckels she's had on her nose since we got her. She gets seaweed sheets in garlic every day. Thanks though, I'll watch her closely just to be sure.
I hope this doesn't come off as me being an ass........

The tang looks like it has the beginnings of hole in the head disease. I've read a bunch about the black spots near the eyes being an indicator for the disease.

But the tank is beautiful!!

those are normal for a regal tang that is just its coloration

here is the pic of the one i had before it died because it would not eat


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Glad to know you have a handle on her needs. :Cheers:

Are you in the Denver area? Member of the local club?

I am in Colorado Springs, but with such a stinky selection of LFS's, I do a good deal of my shopping in Denver and surrounds. Just scored BIG TIME on a bunch of coral last night, courtesy of Craigs List (posted pics in the coral forum).
thats deffinatley not HLLE. she is fine with her cute freckles :) I am also very addicted to tangs, my favorite family hands down.