quick help please hemmits


Reefing newb
Hi please need fast help , two hemmits are keep following each other in the tank. There's a big one and small one. They are sitting shell by shell and touching eachother. Are they fighting or they feel like having sex?
Please help
Are they hurting each other? Hermits are social in my tank, don't sweat it. And I've even seen one hermit pull one out of the others shell and eat him, on't sweat that either. Separate them and see what they do.
i dunno it's weird, when i've post i have put one in a corner and the other one in the oposed corner. Now they were back. The big one was half in the other one's shell.
At the next meeting i ill not separat them. I just feed them today believing they are hungry or something. . .
Haha. Maybe. Maybe not. If you are worried about it, pick one up and move it to the other side of the tank. Give him a "time out".
lol it is getting weirder now. They have meet again in their favorite corner where flows has a turn in the back of the tank. The small one now has an empty shell in his face and the big one stays on top of both pushing one shell towerd another. WTH?
I've noticed the big one splitting some small white stuff has have missed his target. The small one doesn't seems to be distourbed by the presence of the big one and he has his head and arms out.
Get some extra empty shells for them to move into as they grow. It will help with the aggression.

If that doesn't work you may need to send them to Hermit Counseling. :lol:
Sounds like illegal Hermit Crab Fighting....my money's on the little one, I will name him Ed, after the short little angry pit-bull boss I once had!!!
here is a pic with them


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Hermits mainly battle each other for their shells and sometimes after chasing away another hermit they decide they don't want the shell!
what you have their is geniune hermit crab sex parties.

my hermits do that from time to time, i don't ever see any more tho :p
ok i have seen the big one sitting nearest a hole in the rock. I have spooted some redish things over there but i canot see clear.
Any ways all the crabs are alive and eating my turbo snails :frustrat:
The big one had an abnormal long leg a while while he was sitting next to the hole. I took him out there believing he is dying or something but i can see he is doing fine.
I dunno, crabs are indeed weird creatures.