Xenia growing like weeds on steroids...help!

That looks like Xenia but too thick. GSP of the brown variety.

So I've been doing some research and I'm almost 100% sure that what I have are the brown star polyps. From what I've read they grow SUPER fast. So now back to my original question...how do I control the growth or trim them?
Take the whole rock out and sell it to the LFS for credit. They're f**king weeds IMO. Same as yellow dandelions - errrrrrr I mean yellow polyps and pulsing xenia - all xenia actually.

In the ocean, they get eaten by fish and other animals. But in your reef tank, where you don't have any fish that eat corals - they grow outta control.

I'm not ripping on you, so don't be mad. But honestly, I don't know why people put these things in there tanks. You might as well introduce aiptasia or majanoes to your tank.

Research before you buy. Control growth by keeping nutrients in the tank low and for gawd sakes - don't feed them!! I bought yellow polyps when my tank was about 3 months old. Ohhhhhhh, so pretty......... so nice and bright yellow...... boy oh boy!! that'll brighten the tank up a lot. :bounce: Yay for me!!! :Cheers:

6 months later those 3 on that little rock turned into about 600. :grumble:
:frustrat: WTF?!?!?!?!?

I still have the damn things growing on my back glass. But I'm okay with them on the glass, because I can scrape them off with a razor knife in about 2 seconds. They aren't taking over my live rock and rooting out my other corals. I trade them to the LFS for credit. I've been doing that for almost a year now.

Here they are on my back glass:


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Yep,Those star polyps grow like weeds.Same as Kenya weed,oops I meant Kenya tree.
If you want to keep some of em,just take shapr hobby knife and peel the mat off the rock.
You can control them by placing the rock they are growing on onto the sand, so that they do not spread to your other rocks. A lot reefers like them, unlike Rc.
Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions. I'll more than likely see if my LFS will trade for credit. I only have a 14g BC and it's quickly taking over.