Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank

I've never seen a Red Sea test kit read the same water and give anywhere close to the same results twice.
I do however use API kits for 99.9% of my testing,but keep the salifert kits on hand just in case something doesnt test out where it should be.Kind of a back up just in case.
i use the redsea and api ones and they match the lfs test kits. but i also have a hydrometer that reads the same as my refractometer
heres ya a scan of the instructions, with the particular section blown up.


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so i was messn around, added a couple new critters to the system today.. i added 2 red clawed hermits, and 3 mexican turbo snails, i figured couldnt hurt, and it adds a little diversity...

also, i got my temperature situation under control, i went to the lfs today, and while i was getting the new critters, i picked up 2 new heaters, thier maybe a little small but i really think its gonna be ok.. but thier the new unbreakable plastic ones, so, we'll see, they boast temp accuracy to within 1F, yea, i'll be the judge of that...

took a few pics while i was messn with the tank...


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I love my mexican turbo. He does the work of 20 other snails. Glad to here about things being ok with your temp.
got up this morning and checked the temp, 79 even, and holding, and everyone is out and about like normal, so i think i'm gonna get lucky and not kill anything...

yea after i got to looking and watching them i noticed that my new mex turbos all have thoes little spiral worm tubes on thier shells, and they also already have coraline algae on thier shells... i thought it was kinda cool.
You can always tell a true reefer.They get excited over snails and hermits:D

During the winter,I keep 2 small heaters in my tank.One in each over flow.
keeping the heaters in the overflows is a neat idea, i'm actually gonna put mine in the sump once i get it all up and done with the new stand.. i cant wait till i'm done with all that.. but i'm scared as hell of having to move that tank again...
causing another cycle, and all that jazz
Yeah,any time you move the tank,you run the risk of kicking off another cycle.
But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
well its a sad day today, i found one of my new big red claw crabs( the one in the Fuge) dead and out of his shell this morning.. so i guess i'll have to get something new for the fuge..
Sorry to hear about your hermit. These things happen.

Just got done reading the thread for the first time. Looks like a nice start. As far as the green spots on the glass, I get the same thing. Quite a bit actually. I can't figure out what exactly it is. I don't get it on the rocks or corals, only the glass. It doesn't match much of the descriptions of flat works but no one can tell me what it is. I got quite a bit of them and then I started seeing coraline algae grow in adjacent areas. It has many of the same properties as coraline but not the same colors. Still looking...
yea, mine (the green, red and purple now) spots are growing faster on the glass now than before. I'm convinced that its coraline starting out....
I have a secret recipe just for that... don't tell anyone though... it's been passed down through my family for generations and grandpappy would turn in his grave if he knew I was giving it out... Here it goes: Time + Patience = Coraline on LR :)