Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank

really, didnt look like any kinda worm at all to me, it was just a crusty coraline algae textured dot...

so seriously i have a problem?
Well me too.... but let's wait and see what she says. Biff knows what she's talking about when it comes to this stuff. :D
She often notices things others do not. She's got a sharp eye.
Maybe. That's what flatworms look like, but I can't be sure from the picture. Google flatworms and see if they match up to what you've got.
yea, i'm looking at thoes pictures, and several others, and i'm just not seeing them as the same. what i have is white and green, and while a couple of the pics i have found show some close to white, there is definately no green ones, and also the information i'm finding said red to brown, but definately not green.

further more when i scraped some of them off the glass, and thats the only place where they are btw, they scrape off powdery, and i can scrape only part of a circle, or half, or just a line right throught the middle if i use the edge of the scraper, and its STUCK. the best way i can describe it is imagine scraping paint off a window, only it dosent come off in chunks, only a fine powder. thats what these do when i scrape em.

further more every picture that i can find shows that they have some thickness, these are paper thin, litterally.

and if i went to scrape them, wouldnt at least one of them move? these dont move, in any way. they dont come off whole, or in chunks.

I could be totally wrong, and if i am then i'll have to eat crow, and fix it, but as of right now, i'm gonna have to reserve my judgement... i just dont see them as the same thing.

Biff, please dont take this the wrong way, i really do value your opinioin, i've seen you come up with stuff i've never even heard of for other people, and i need your and everyone's input, and i really do trust your input, but i think perhaps my lack of photographic skill may be causing us to see something differently on this one... time will tell.
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see, thats kinda what i was thinking too... but the guy i trust at the lfs said prolly not coraline if they are green and white....

i dont know...
so a couple weekends ago i started building a custom stand (and eventually a canopy) for my tank... I keep forgetting to take pictures, so, last night, while i was out taking pictures of the rocks i made, i snapped a couple of what i have done so far on the stand.

what your looking at is 43 inches tall, which will put the middle of the tank right at eye level give or take, the front still needs the doors cut through, and the top still needs to be finished and attaced. My plan is to use the 2 3' t5 light fixtures to light up the inside of the stand whenever a door opens, like a fridge.

there will be the 2 big doors on the front, and then each end is actually a hinged door so that you can slide the sump tank in and out without having to remove the front center brace between the doors.

oh, and forgive the painting, i started out not thinking this all the way through and painted the stand black before i realized that white would reflect more light and be more usefull, so the painting is kinda half-a$$ed and not finished yet...


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yea, well the way i was thinking about it was that it would make getting to the skimmer cup a bunch easier, and would also allow me to get the sump tank in and out... and it only cost me 6 wee tiny hinges and a little time...

not to mention that now this way i have a monster beefy stand.. 2x6's 6-3" #8 drywall screws per connection, overlapped joints, and every intersection has copious amounts of wood glue... so i dont think its gonna go anywhere...

i also put a sunken floor in it, so i can run a second sump tank stacked ontop of the 30gal that will be in the bottom, and i'm planning on super sealing the inside bottom well enough to hold water. then i'm gonna get me one of thoes $10 water heater leak detecting alarms, so that way if the inside of the stand ever gets wet, or i spring a leak or something, then it will hold just under 15 gallons and buy me some time to fix it before it leaks out and runs all across the floor.

I'm also putting full electrics in it, and even setting up a switch that will cut off the return pumps from the sump so that when i do my water changes i dont have to unplug the pump itself... all i'll have to do is flip a light switch, and get to work..
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Disclaimer: I havent read all the posts, just skimmed through.

I noticed you have a snowflake eel and a mandarin and a cardinal and smaller fish; I would keep an eye on that snowflake and make sure it gets fed very well, because you might wake up one morning and notice some fish are missing.
yea, the snowflake will on occasion chase after the tang or the clown, but he/she hasnt messed with the mandrin thus far, but yea, thats a good point, and i have worried about it, but theres not much i can do while i'm not there, and i dont know that there would be much i could do if i was there, really...

hehehe, yea, that snowflake must be going through a growth spirt or something, or maybe he's getting comfortable after all the move and re-arranging of the tank and stuff, cause he/she is eating like a horse... the others dont eat nearly as much...
um, i dont get it. i know that should be funny, but my brain is stuck at idle today...

all i feed snowflake is the spanish mackrel and the red fish that i cought at the coast last time i went down...
nothing to be sorry about, i've just got my slow brain burried in active directory and network profile and permissions right now, so nothing is comming across as funny, totally not your fault...
so i took a couple water parameters last night, not too sure if these are good or bad,
temp 80
PH 8
KH 8.25
amonia was <.3 but i did miss the 20 min timer to check that one, why does this take 20 min, seriously?

i forgot to write down the salinity, but it was in the middle of the range so i guess its good...

i have a tetra test laborett test kit and i'm having hell with it, i just cant tell the differences in the colors, anyone got any better suggestions on what kits i might actually be able to read?

remember money's tight, and i'm trying to save up for a skimmer, so.....
Salifert is the best test kit brand, but they are pricey. So if you are on a budget, API or Red Sea test kits are also good.

And I have never heard of or seen an ammonia test kit that makes you wait 20 minutes.