Project5k and the new 75Gal salt tank


Reef enthusiast
Hi all, well i looked and looked and looked, and i cant find a "showcase" with my name on it, so i guess i never got around to making one, so, here ya go...

the strange thing growing out of the crab shell was decided to be aipstasia, so it was removed in one fail swoop, crabshell and all...

oh, and i'm planning on making multiple posts, but i'm gonna try and keep the pictures in the right order, just so we can see how the tank has changed...


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here's some more pictures... there is one that i put up just for identification purposes, i should prolly put it over in the ident thread... but anyway, i think its red slime, but i'm not sure...


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ok, here's some more pics


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heres a dark colored thing, that at the time i was advised to remove just incase it was harmfull.. now i kinda wish i had known what it was first... but i was too new, and didnt know any better...


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heres my newest tank friend, hes a sand sifting starfish... and buddy the retarded starfish(red)


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and here is when i got done with making my very first batch of home made live rock, and putting it into the tank...


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this is what i found in my canister filter, after letting it go for way too long...


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    this is what i found in my canister filter, i dont know what it is..jpg
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and here is today. So is that red slime, or what is that, cause it was real bad about a week or so after i set the tank up, and now its starting to come back, after i put the new rock in, and stirred the tank really aggressivly(moved almost all the sand around, and definately moved all the rock around)


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thanks, i like buddy the retarded starfish.... best color i've ever seen on a starfish...

no, actually thats a nasarrious snail, however you spell it, that has a 3 inch + fro of green hair algae on his shell.... he lives in the sump/fuge tho....

oh wait, did you mean in the canister filter? oh, i dunno what it was, nothing moved in there, it was just FUNKY!
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heres a dark colored thing, that at the time i was advised to remove just incase it was harmfull.. now i kinda wish i had known what it was first... but i was too new, and didnt know any better...

This is majano. Be glad you got rid of it -- it's a worse pest anemone than aiptasia.
Those things you have circled in the last pic look like flatworms -- another pest. You'll need to get rid of them ASAP using a product called Flatworm Exit. Flatworms are toxic!!
ok, well i'm glad that i got rid of the majano then...

flat worms? which picture, the one with the white and green circles on the glass? i dont know if thats a worm or not, its just a paper thin crusty spot on the glass, not quite as big as a dime... i scraped some of them loose about a week ago, and i could scrape part or all freely, if that tells you anything...made me think of coraline algae, but then again i dont really know that much about thoes either.
oh, so i had a thought, i'm working on building a new tank stand, i have the design and the materials, a new sump tank and all that... my question is this, how best do i go about moving the tank from one stand to the other?

do i have to drain and completly tear down the tank as it sits now?

or can i get away with leaving a little water over the sand, say maybe a couple inches, and then moving it?

if so, what do i do? catch everyone and put them back in the "moving" cooler that i used when i got the tank?

thing is, that if it were just moving the tank from one stand to another at the same height, it wouldnt be as big of a deal, but i'm gonna be raising the tank over a foot higher than it is now.. so i'm worried..
nice lookin tank!! Nice lookin sump/fuge. I'm leaning away from that canister filter idea and just cleaning out my stand for the space needed.
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OH, yea i dont know what that was, it looked like poo to me, and nothing was moving, so i dunno, theres not any of that in the tank, that was strictly in the canister filter...

wait, that cant be what she ment, thats not circled... hmmm

Hey Biff, clear this up for us wouldya?

something else i was thinking about and would really like some input on... i'm thinking about painting the back of the tank, but then again in kinda like looking through from both sides, so i'm torn...

whaddyall think?

i have a gallon of black simigloss latex that i'm using to paint the new stand, could i use that, or is black a poor choice, or maybe i should use a different chemestry of paint other than the latex?
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