Leather Coral Question


Reefing newb
I just purchased a florescent green leather this past week and I have a question. When I bought the frag, it was extremely small. It may have been ½” tall, if that. I was hesitant to buy it, with it being so small. Now I’m wondering how fast these things grow, as it has doubled is size in 5 days. The frag came from a tank that was just compact fluorescents, and I have halide. Could this make a difference? I actually went to buy this frag, but got a hammer coral thrown in, all for $30. Sounded like a good price to me. Any advice would be great!


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They tend to grow pretty quickly. The lights could be the difference, although both halides and PCs are good enough to keep leathers. If it's growing, you're doing well.
Not as quickly as softies. You should start to see it starting to sprout new branches -- this could take weeks or months though. Usually, feeding it some meaty foods once or twice a week will help them grow faster, if they will take food.
hammer corals are photosynthetic and don't need to be fed....... though sometimes they might eat solid foods..... I don't think they actually grab food like some other corals....
Hammers, frogspawns and torches that I've had would always greedily take krill from my feeding tongs. They are not as voracious eaters as say, bubble coral, but they will eat.
My frogspawns and hammers will eat, but only small pieces like brine, however I dont spot feed them as they dont need it. To answer your question though. What type of leather coral did you get? You wouldnt have had any actual growth in one week, especially in a different tank. Odds are you bought a finger leather or another similiar coral that when stressed or after lights out will shrink to less than half there size. I would bet that it was stressed in the store and when it reached you tank it could finally take a deep breath of good water and is letting you know it is happy to be home. Also the hammer will not grow quickly and if it isnt a branching hammer it will grow even slower.
My frogspawns and hammers will eat, but only small pieces like brine, however I dont spot feed them as they dont need it. To answer your question though. What type of leather coral did you get? You wouldnt have had any actual growth in one week, especially in a different tank. Odds are you bought a finger leather or another similiar coral that when stressed or after lights out will shrink to less than half there size. I would bet that it was stressed in the store and when it reached you tank it could finally take a deep breath of good water and is letting you know it is happy to be home. Also the hammer will not grow quickly and if it isnt a branching hammer it will grow even slower.

Being as these are my first corals, I'm not exactly sure of the exact name of my corals. I know the leather does not look like a finger leather, but more like a branching bush. My hammer coral looks more like a small bubble tip anemone, when it's open. My leather is about an 1.5" now, so it is definately growing quickly. As both seem to be doing fine, I don't know that I will change anything that I am doing now. Here is another pic of the leather. I can't seem to get a great picture of it though!


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That leather looks to be a kenya tree branch. You're best bet will be to keep it isolated, as they can spread and reproduce to pest proportions. It will drop branches to spread around your tank. If these "stray" branches go unchecked, the weeds will become hard to deal with.
If it is a kenya tree biff is right. But ive never seen a green kenya tree. still looks more like a finger leather or some leather tree. could even be a green nepthia.
Oh wait he says it's green in the first post. Duh.

Reading Comprehension - 1, Biffy - 0.

Sorry. It's probably a nepthia if it's green. Google nepthia and see if it looks anything like that.
I did a yahoo search and Ironman is definately right. It is a Green Nepthia! Does this mean that it is not a leather? Or is nephia a type of leather? Any advise with this coral?
I dont think it is considered a leather. It is a great find though. It is one of the best soft corals out there in my opinion. At one time it was disapearing in the wild. And it is said that it is one of the few corals we can say that the reef hobby may have saved. it has been propagated for years in captivity. It frags easily, is a beutiful green and grows pretty quickly. it doesnt drop babies like kenya trees so it is safe.