Yellow Tang Sick, Help


Reefing newb
Well, once again I am dealing with a sick fish. We purchased a yellow tang almost 3 weeks ago now and he has been in the 30 gal QT since we got him. He has a great appetite and is getting fed formula 1, 2, and seaweed strips. Over the past 4 or 5 days we have noticed 4 fluffy, white spots growing on him. Three spots are on the very end of his tail and one is on his under-body fin. These don't look like ich and haven't spread at all. Their size has increased slightly over the past couple days. They look like they are just barely hanging on to the tip of his tail.

Anyone have any idea what this problem could be?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have not done anything to treat him yet because I do not feel the problem is life threatening yet. The only thing I did was a water change.

Thanks in advance
Could be flukes.They are a parasitic kinda like ick,but not hardly as bad.
Copper should kill them.Fresh water baths will also kill them.
White fluffies could also be the sign of a fungal infection. The most common medications used to treat a fungal infection are ones that contain malachite green or methylene blue. But fungal infections almost always occur hand in hand (fin in fin?) with parasite infestations too, and the parasites will be the more serious of the two problems, so treating with copper would probably kill two birds with one stone.
I have attached pictures of the fish from today.


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you can also try lowering the salinity in your QT tank..... the lower the salinity, the tougher it is for ich and other parasitic diseases to live.... it's not uncommon to see LFS's running salinity around 1.017 in their tanks... that's why...