help with octcpus bh-800s


Reefing newb
Hi all new to this site :wave:

I just got a Reef Octopus BH-800s
but I'm a little confused by the instructions- does any one else have this model? mine seems to be diffrent then sheet that came with it

I have 2 air hoses and do not have a "air drain off valve"
Yes that is pretty common with those octopus skimmers. There instructions suck! I would just try to look at a picture of the skimmer and put it together that way!
Good Luck!


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you need a valve that you can shut for that blue line or you will not get a siphion from it so it will not pull in water. where did you get it from?
mine actually came straight from coralvue as the place I had bought it from was out- so the just had coralvue shipped it straight to my house I sent them an email to hopefully get a set of new instructions- in the meantime I got it running but have a ton of micro bubbles and can't figure out how to get rid of them- does yours also have 2 air hoses?
hmm, I've got one too and that looks weird. Mine has a hose that I attach to the clear hose inside the skimmer to get it started, then once it's started, I turn the valve (which it appears you don't have) and remove the blue tube.

I get a lot of microbubbles, which is frustrating, but goes down to mildly annoying after a while. I helped reduce the bubbles by pointing my outflow at the side of the tank...
well I emailed the company and it appears that they updated the model and they sent me the new instructions for it.


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