

love my reef
ok my sister inlaw gave me a nice rose bubble tip the rock it is on from her tank I noticed it has small aptsia's on it the way it looks like maybe 5 on the one side I also found a fire worm on it and I did get that with my long tweezers should I take the bubble tip off the rock and get it out of my tank??


  • tank pics 046.jpg
    tank pics 046.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 164
Aiptasia arent a big deal. Get some joes juice and nuke them. Make sure you turn off you pumps/powerheads so it doesnt end up on the BTA.
I recommend peppermint shrimp. They are more effective than Joe's Juice, they are a natural control, and they will help make sure the aiptasia don't come back.
+1 more for the peppermint shrimp.

I had a lot of aiptasia on some rock I bought. I picked up 3 peppermints and they went to town on the little buggers. I found the peppermints to be a lot easier than trying to apply aiptasia-x to all the little glass anemones on the rock. Just make sure you get peppermints and not camel back shrimp.