PJ Fish


I just got a Pajama Cardinal Fish!! I've been wanting one a long time, and finally broke down, he'll be my 5th and final fish to the tank. Pics will be coming.

If anyone else has one, and has any specific words of advice, please let me know - been researching them, but extra input is always a plus!
Congrats. Their fairly calm fish,like to hang out close to the rock and hunt after the lights are out.
Damn! My DAMNsel fish is already bothering him...
I he'd calmed down with the addition of the Tomato Clown and the Foxface, but I think it was just because he was smaller...kind of bullying the Damselfish now and I'm a little afraid he might kill him. I've decided the bully Damsel fish must go (the smaller Damsel doesn't seem to care) so I'm going to make a trap...

Think the PJ will be ok until tomorrow?
Me too! Yeah, I hate the Damsels but the LFS that I went to initially told me they'd be a great choice for a new tank and I kind of grew to like them, but lately one of them has just been so dominant, even pestering crabs and my foxface...
Damsels are great,right up untill they decide to get aggressive and start killing their tank mates.
Might be a good idea to break out the flyfishing gear.
Well, if I remove him now, I'm not sure I know what to do with him until tomorrow when I can give the bastard to the LFS....but I could kill him? Hate saying it, but if he's going to kill the other one, I know who I'd rather die.
Hate doing it. Maybe I'll try to keep him alive in the trap if I get him.
just put the damsel in a temporary tank overnight til you can get it to the store. a big bowl of heated tank water w/ a little powerhead if you've got one would work. Don't be Lord High Executioner with your fish man!
just put the damsel in a temporary tank overnight til you can get it to the store. a big bowl of heated tank water w/ a little powerhead if you've got one would work. Don't be Lord High Executioner with your fish man!

haha yeah, I won't kill him! Alas, I failed to catch him in the trap tonight (and they all went to bed in the rocks now) , and I have work tomorrow early...if I can't catch him tomorrow morning, the PJ fish is going to have to be brave all day tomorrow!
Ok, so I left the lights off all day to keep the Damsels from coming out while I was at work. Lights back on now and I'm trying to lure them into the trap. I've put some food in there (pellet, flake) and they don't show much interest in it....
Any tips?
Seriously, I can't stand the damsels...
I haven't tried food in the net, but I don't know what I could put in there that wouldn't float away and would attract them. I'll do some experimenting...
I have to PJ cards. I've had them for many years. They were two of the first fish I got. They remind me of zombie robots. They sure don't do much. Just hover in the same place all the time. They are nocturnal, so don't be surprised if you don't see it out and about much at first.

They've grown since I got them. One has grown a really long streamer from its fin.

Mine are named Peanut Butter and Jelly (P&J, just like PJ cardinals, get it, hahahaha)... :( Me so lame.
Yeah I like him a lot! He is like a zombie robot!!! I might return him tho, not sure if he can compete in the tank. Think I should wait a bit? The damsels still harass him but not as much; I'm still worried I'll come home and he will be dead. What is your fishes eating habits?
They are carnivores. They'll take any meaty foods, even big pieces that similarly sized fish can't eat. They don't actively chase after food though, so I have to squirt it right in front of them with a turkey baster. Give him a few days to adjust to his new tankmates. Hopefully the damsels will settle down, but that's the risk you take when you keep damsels.
k, will do! Yeah, I hate having to take a risk of owning damsels...would get rid of them if I could without taking apart my tank.
Gregory Damsels - if anyone has ever seen the episode of south park with the killer fish, that's him.


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