help bob the sea goblin


Reefing newb
bob the sea goblin has what looks like a blister covering his 1 eye
also tonight was live shrimp night and he didnt really seem too interested in eating
cant really get a pic of it yet, he hides alot
you can see through whatever it is on his eye, and his actual eyeball doesnt look enflamed
best way to describe it is like i said, a blister covering his eye

any thoughts
here are some pics
right eye good
left eye bad


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he is a sea goblin
hes a member of the scorpionfish family
very venomous
very camoflauged
his body looks totally normal
wtf...does anybody read other forums besides newbies???
are we all only interested in how to treat hair algea???
Does the eye look like a bubble? If so, it's popeye. Popeye is common and can be caused my many things, but the most common cause is a physical injury to the eye, causing it to swell up and fill with fluid. It happens a lot of times when you net a fish, and the net abrades the eyeball. Usually, popeye goes away by itself. The important thing is the animal still being able to see food to eat. If the fish stops eating, that is a bad sign. Worst case scenarios are the fish losing the eye, or even worse, the bad eye causing the fish to starve to death. You can wait it out and try to keep him eating, but if you don't want to take the wait and see approach, there are medications you can buy at your LFS for popeye. None of them are super effective, and they all would require you quarantining the fish.
biff i was told by my LFS to put 1 TBS of epsom salt per 5 gal of water every three days to treat

ever hear of this one???
i consider dips to be great advice
however easier said than done
there is no way i will get this fish out of my tank
short of dismanteling the whole thing

im pretty sure even a fish trap wont work for him, hes not an active swimmer hes a wait and see what swims by eater

but he is extremely fast

i think i will try the epsom to ease discomfort

if i could get him out i would put him in a seperate tank and treat accordingly

thanks all