OMG!!! I could not believe it!!!


love my reef
I went to my LPS today and I picked up a beautiful LG carpet anenome and a clown that was living in it put it in my tank and about 4 hours later I happened to look in the ank and that thing was trying to eat my LG powder Blue tang!!! :evil: WHAT!!! all that was showing of my tang was part of the top fins so I reached in and it took a coulple of trys but I pulled it out it must have just grabbed it the tang has all the sticky stuf on it from the anenome I don't know if is that or sting marks? but other wise he seams fine... I just could not believe it. I have been eyeing that anenome for a couple of weeks now and the last time I was in there I asked the owner do you have any problems with it eating fish he said " every once and a while it will take somthing small or maybe a shrimp but nothing big" well my tang is about 3-4" !!!
Sorry to hear about the tang. I have a carpet too but luckily it hasn't eaten any of my fish or inverts. If fact my fire shrimp and peppermint shrimp walk on it sometimes and the anemone doesnt do anything. The two clowns hosting the anemone attack other fish when they get too close but not the shrimps. weird...

I guess keep it well fed.
Well my poor tang is no were to be found this morning? :death: that anenome must have gotten it again or it died and the clean up crew took care of it in the night DARN!! DARN!! DARN!! That bums me out my tang was my fav. fish in the tank RIP my beautiful tang
Sorry to hear about the tang.
But thats the risk you take when you have an anemone.And carpets are know for doing that.
I found the tang way in the back under a stack of rocks the clean up crew are taking care of it so now I know it was the stigs that killed it
am i the only one that caught "LPS' how cool would that be going to a FULL LPS store lol jk i know what he meant just pinting it out
Keep it well fed. I feed mine every 3 days no matter what, regardless of strong lighting or not, i feed it every 3 days just for this reason alone. If they get hungry, they will sting and eat fish.
wow im really sorry to hear you lost such a beautiful fish, however carpets are notorious for things like this so i guess its the risk you take when keeping things like that. hopefully you will be able to keep it well fed and happy from now on.
Other people are right -- carpet anemones are famous for gobbling up fish. Even their own clowns. I saw one eat its own clown at the LFS once! It is definitely an animal I highly advise against people keeping if they like their fish.

In any case, sorry for your loss. I second the "research, research, research" idea. A quick google of carpet anemone will bring up tons of stories of them eating fish. That's what they do. They are anemones, after all.
PICS of the monster!! GRR J/K Re: OMG!!! I could not believe it!!!

it's beautiful at night is glows neon green


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