Yellow polyps meeting a bitter end


Reefing newb
These guys looked robust and seemed to have a good time for many months. All of the sudden they - well - died all out! It took them less than 24h to suffer a total extinction from my tank.

Note: the only change in the water parameters I can think of is the salinity: evaporation is out of control and I might have neglected adding fresh water now and then. All other corals are doing fine-very good.


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No clue,it could of been high salinity from what you said.They like to eat,I know that...cyclopeeze,zooplankton.

Have any peppermint shrimps?
Sometimes they will. It's rare, but it's not unheard of. It's believed that some can confuse polyps for aiptasia. I've never had it happened to me, but have heard stories.
Peppermint shrimps won't eat zoa polyps but have been known to eat yellow polyps.Yellow polyps are basically colonial anemones to some experts.I had peppermints eat yellow polyps and have read quite a few stories on the web.
Your yellow dandelions........... errrrrr I mean yellow polyps died?

Consider yourself blessed, my friend.:mrgreen: I think the only thing worse than yellow dandelions is kenya weeds.