Banded shark

This is My Baby. 1 Week old. Sexed him the other day. Gonna find him a girl.


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that looks like a brown banded bamboo. Congrats! They are wonderful creatures. I loved mine for a year. They usually grow 10 inches a year, if properly fed. That will usually put them over a foot and much to large for the four foot aquariums.

Being that small, they are very vulnerable to attack from larger fish, angelfish, tangs, even large damselfish can cause damage and eventually death to the little guy so be watchful of tankmates.

At this point, squid, krill and scallops can be fed to him on a feeding stick. As he grows, silversides will be his main form of food.

Good luck. Feed free to ask any questions or show us lots of pics!

Thanks Doc. I hav a few more questions. How come on youtube, I never see any large ones? Also, why feed him with tongs? I have been hand feeding him since day one. He loves to be pet behind the gills just like a dog behing his ears. How hard is it to air them up and find him a female and have them mate?
you dont see very many big one because people put them in small tanks and they die from stress or the new wears off and people get tired of feeding them.
most people do not have them in tanks large enough for their entire lives. Since they out grow smaller tanks so fast, people get rid of them. They can get over 3ft long and are pretty thick as well. Mine is as large as I have seen in a home aquarium.

They start to lose their stripes once they hit about 18 inches and they will be gone by about 24-30 inches.

If he is already eating go ahead and keep doing what you are doing. One problem is getting them to actually eat. Wiggling food with tongs can stimulate a feeding response.

mating them required a massive tank. You need to have a tank of about 500+ to have the space and hiding places required to lay the eggs. Not sure about mating them up.

Ok wow scratch that on fdinding hima woman. He loves to eat form my hands since the 2nd day I go him. He is 2 weeks old today. Doc, will a 125 be suficient for him? If not, when will I need to get anew one. no way in hell will i get rid of him due to size, Just make me buy a larger tank. I ave seen some 300 gallons for 300 bucks lately
Awesome lookin shark! 125 will really be pushing it, the room fromt to back is just not enough. Doc only did it because it was a temporary thing for about a month. You may be able to pull it off but I would get him a larger tank to make him happy.

Oh and keep the pics coming!
Alexander is dead-on. Sharks need enough room to comfortably turn around. I felt bad for my guy as he is about 20" and struggled to turn around in my 125. I am glad he has plenty of room to move around.

A 125 is not big enough once they hit about 16 inches or so. The minimum size is 180. They really need that 24" depth of the tank to get momentum and turn. The thing is, once you hit 300 plus tanks, one shark seems to be too small in such a big and and then... onto bigger things. I know that for me, when I have the space, I will be hitting the 2500 gallon space to keep the kind of sharks I really want to keep.

Ok wow scratch that on fdinding hima woman. He loves to eat form my hands since the 2nd day I go him. He is 2 weeks old today. Doc, will a 125 be suficient for him? If not, when will I need to get anew one. no way in hell will i get rid of him due to size, Just make me buy a larger tank. I ave seen some 300 gallons for 300 bucks lately

when you are ready to find a bigger tank, look on the KSL classifieds. They have stuff that is way better than craigslist. I hate craigslist around here.

Yacraigslist sucks. For a year or so a 125 will be okay. but he wont be alone so a 300 would be fine. I got a dwarf lion and a cowfish with him as well. gonna get a pair of onyx clowns also. Ill get a pic tonight of me eeding him. Doc, Does yours eat in the day?
A 125 will keep him til just over a foot long. You will have to be selective with the aquascaping to allow for as much room on the sand bed as possible for him to roam at night.

Your tank mate selection is great. I hope they can all get along.

I would be careful adding clowns. They will get eaten at some point. As soon as he is 7-8 inches, fish is food, not friends. Squishy made short work of my pair of clowns and my keyhole angel (I was so excited to find that happened. I hated that fish).

Squishy will eat whenever I put food in the tank. He is a voracious pig. I tend to feed him at his most active, which is about 8pm at night, although he does swim all day. I hand feed him but he swims up to me to feed so I don't have to put my arm in the tank. It is so considerate of him :D

Be careful with the cowfish in there too -- they are toxic and you don't want to poison everyone else in your tank. And very shy, timid eaters. It may decide to stop eating if it's in a tank with aggressive fish.
My cowfish is not at all a picky eater, and fights my lion for food. I do know he is poisonous, but he is happy. He follows my finger on the tank. he did bite me the other day though. lol. And to take care of the sand bed, i do have a suspended reef.