New Corals


Reefing newb
Hey guys just wanted to show off my new corals
I got a fox, short tent. plate,bubble, and open brain. What can I say I'm an LPS kind of guy.


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Oops that's my branching hammer. Here's the plate. Btw all pics are with daylights.


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I thought the bubble was the one on the bottom row? Looks like pearl onions. The third pic is the one Im talking about.

By process of elimination I have figured out the I really like the Fox coral too! Im such a dope sometimes
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Nice additions. I love the fox.
Reef I have two rows of pics. 3 in brain,hammer,fox. one in bottom, bubble.
Thanks guys. The fox is my favorite out of the bunch too.
Any thoughts on the hermit graveyard in the pic with the plate? 2 hermits minus shells laying there. Do any of you ever get this?
those are some nice looking corals. I have had that before, their shells were probably stolen by another hermit that killed them, happens all the time that's why many try to stay away from them because they will attack snails too
Nice corals! Foxes are one of my favorites. They can be hard to find in stores, but they aren't very expensive and sure look nice.

Your bubble will grow super fast if you hand feed it often. I feed mine every night and it's bubbles have quadrupled in size in the last 2 months.
Nice!! Congrats. I like LPS too. Mostly I like blastos and Acans. I am not real excited about frogspawn. I like the open brain too. I don't have enough exposed sandbed to deal with a plate coral right now. When I set up the 90g tank, I'll get one.
I agree Blastos and Acans are very nice. I have a FHI acan, but it doesn't look near as nice as yours RC! I would love some blastos but around here they're like $40 per head. I got all those for $25 a piece.
NBD = NoobDeBiff = my significant other aka my tank slave. He does all the heavy lifting of salt and cleans my glass and even feeds the fish for me if I'm too tired to do it myself.