Recent content by Russell

  1. R

    Follow up to Alkalinity

    Thanks to all who replied to my first post on this topic. I will get my water retested today at my lfs and buy a second test, but I guess what my real question is that with all my parameters being fine, how do I lower my alkalinity and keep it down? Thanks again, Russ
  2. R


    Thanks to all how replied. Didn't know test kits could very that much. I will give it a go. Thanks
  3. R


    The alkalinity in my aquarium has always been high, about 12 dkh, but today my readings spiked to 16 dkh or over 5.71 meq/l ( my test kit only goes to a max. of 16 dkh. The rest of my aquarium is within allowable limits. PH - 8 Ca. - 410 Salinity - 1.022 Ammonia - 0 Nitrites - 0-.1 Nitrates...
  4. R

    Green tip bubble anenome

    Hi Joeman, My GTBA is now doing fine. I found out that what they do is periodically change their water in the tentacles and that in this case this appeares to have been the issue, they also at times appear to shrivel up after a feeding. Thankyou very much for yuor reply as I am very much a...
  5. R

    Green tip bubble anenome

    Hey Bifferwine, thanks for the reply. First of I have 96 watt lighting, which for the corals and anenomes I was taold would be o.k. I have been working on the parameters for my tank now for about a month to support soft corals and such, and have achieved acceptable levels. However, your comment...
  6. R

    Green tip bubble anenome

    Hey guys, Just purchased yesterday amung other things a green tip bubble anenome.I had everything flown in from vancouver, same day service, and product appeared to be in very good health. Everything has taken to my tank until about 20 hours into my tank. My green tip nanenome looked...
  7. R


    My reading is at about 4.80 meg/l
  8. R


    Hey, how is everyone doing. I set up my first marine aquarium about 6 months ago. I started with live toga rock, live sand, and after a cycle i added 4 fish (one of them never made it through the night). I have decided to add a few soft corals at this time as this is all my lighting will...