Recent content by redsurfer

  1. redsurfer

    I hope this is not what i think it is...

    So I flipped over a rock doing a little reef scaping as i will and I found not only the 5 or 6 of the sponges that you see in the picture but this larger anemone (dime size) in a panic i went out and got 2 peppermint shrimp. let me know what you think... AP.jpg
  2. redsurfer

    What is this weird thing?

    I have found this little thing and need to know if it is good or bad! so it is a white tube about 1 cm in length that is connected to a rock and has a little guy that is hiding inside i can see 2 little antenna peaking out sometimes He spits webs around where he is. I will try and get a picture...
  3. redsurfer

    Lighting cycle for my reef

    thanks, i was just wondering if it is better to have one long light period then a few shorter ones
  4. redsurfer

    Lighting cycle for my reef

    So I have a 29g biocube hqi with 150w 20.000 light and only have a few corals so far and an rose anemone shrimp and clown. I dont want to run my light all day but i also want to be home some of the time when it is on. right now i have it on 700-1200 off 12-4pm then on again from 4-8 then my moon...
  5. redsurfer

    Quiet Pump?

    there is about 3.5x4in in the bottom of the chamber. I will look in to those 1200's tomorrow at my LFS. Thanks for the help!
  6. redsurfer

    Hermit crabs?

    I saw pics of the same snails on here and every one was saying that they were bad news...
  7. redsurfer

    Hermit crabs?

    So I just set up my tank that was running from the guy i bought it from and there was all these snails (all of which i got rid of because of this forum) but i also have about 10 little hermit crabs in small shells. I was wondering if these need to be evacuated also? thanks
  8. redsurfer

    Quiet Pump?

    oh and the loud one is an oceanic
  9. redsurfer

    Quiet Pump?

    yeah, i just changed it out so it would not drive me crazy but the one i put in does not fit in the bottom... lets see how this goes.
  10. redsurfer

    Quiet Pump?

    the pump itself is humming
  11. redsurfer

    Quiet Pump?

    so I just set up my tank and the pump in the back is super loud! I cleaned it out and everything but it just hums. I have a 29g biocube hqi and am looking to replace my water pump:death:
  12. redsurfer

    Should i buy this set up???

    Well I went and picked it up this morning! Whoohooo!!! I am super stoked! I got everything for $275 and it is all set up. I checked all the levels ( the salinity took really long to get right it was 1.030 and i got it down to 1.024 with a lot of work.) and now she is coming out of the "fog". :)
  13. redsurfer

    Should i buy this set up???

    Thank you all for the input!!! I am going for it...
  14. redsurfer

    Cycling a tank, adding fish and corals

    Thanks for the very helpful post!!! i am just starting my first tank and this was a saving grace hahaha
  15. redsurfer

    Live Rock

    Thank you so much for that link Waddi!