Recent content by mahesh

  1. mahesh

    Introduce yourself with pics.

    Can some one tell me how to share photos on this site
  2. mahesh

    Introduce yourself with pics.

    Cool !!
  3. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    But I trully loved her beauty...
  4. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    Hay all, To put an end to this discussion , I have returned the trigger back to the place from where I bought it.. and off she goes from my signature aswell.
  5. mahesh

    Introduce yourself with pics.

    Your are welcome. Actually I should have written Welcome to the "gang" Mr.Tang..whould have been a little rhyming ... How do you have all the Tangs together in the same tank . How did you manage to keep them calm and not fighting with each other..
  6. mahesh

    Introduce yourself with pics.

    Hi and welcome Mr.TANG...
  7. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    Hay all, I just spoke to the guy who sold the Trigger to me and he is willing to take it back on an exchage for some other fish. I'm going to return it to him wait for a couple of week before taking the new one. Any suggestions on what can be added witht the other fish that I have.
  8. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    well , i bought those fish day before yesterday (Not yesterday , thats a mistake in my earlier message) and i joined this site the same day.Hence added all of them in my signature.
  9. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    Hi Thanks for your reply. I actually bought my tank from another hobbiest adn used the same water. I added new live rock and waited for 6 months for the tank to cycle with just a damsel in it. I just started adding fish yesterday. Can you suggest a website where I can do my research on what...
  10. mahesh

    Undulated Trigger

    Hi Friends , I visited my near by aquarium yesterday to buy some fish for my recently cycled tank. I bought the following 1. Black Tang 2. Clarkii clown 3. Blue damsel 4. Undulated trigger( without knowing much about the fish. Just went by its beauty) I'm so impressed by his gently moves...
  11. mahesh

    Regular test and checks

    Dear Friends, I'm new to salt water tank. Can you guide me on what are the regular water test and checks that I should perform and how often should i do this. How often should I do water toping and water exchage. When to add beneficial bacterias and other trace elements. Regards, MAHESH
  12. mahesh

    Shifting of Aquarium.

    Is it possible to achieve good water quality immediately after shifting so that the fish can be added? I wish to add soft coral to my tank. Can I do it now or wait till I set it up in my new place..
  13. mahesh

    Shifting of Aquarium.

    Hi Fellow reefer, Thanks for your reply. I have a clarkii clown in my tank which disturbs the sand at least once an hour raising a fountain of sand till the top of the water level in the tank. This may help in removing the gunk (lol) and the skimmer would do the rest. You can see that naughty...
  14. mahesh

    Shifting of Aquarium.

    Hi Friends , I have been having a 125 gl tank for the past 6 months. I have Live rock , Sand , Trigger ,Black Tang , Yellow damsel, Blue damsel, 3 spot damsel , Clown and anemoune. Now my new house which was underconstruction is complete and we are planning to move into the new home in July...
  15. mahesh

    Introduce yourself with pics.

    Hi Friends, I'm Mahes from India. 6 months old in Marine Aquarium. Nice to join you all here.... Regards, MAHESH